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10 Under-Appreciated Couples (and BFFs) on TV

In honor of some of the most under-appreciated pairings on TV. NBC/HBO/TNT/HBO

Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate love — and not necessarily the romantic kind. Television is filled with loving relationships of all types, from friendships to couplings and everything in between. This post is dedicated to our favorite pairings that might not get as much recognition as some of TV's all-time favorite duos, but are just as worthy.


Sam and Jon, Game of Thrones

Jon Snow is a fierce warrior — but also a real softie at heart, rescuing his now-BFF Samwell Tarly from mean ol' bullies at the Night's Watch.

(The CW)

Liv and Ravi, iZombie

There's nothing like the true friendship between coworkers, especially one coworker that spends every spare minute trying to find a cure for zombieism so the other doesn't have to eat brains anymore.


Carol and Daryl, The Walking Dead

Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, especially a strong, shapely shoulder like the one belonging to outlaw Daryl Dixon, who helped Carol cope with death and then became her closest friend.


Eleanor and Tahani, The Good Place

These two have learned how to overcome their selfish natures — and some simmering sexual tension — to become real friends and allies in the afterlife.


Steve and Dustin, Stranger Things

Good friendships better each person, like this unconventional pairing. In Season One, Steve was a typical high school jock d-bag. In Season Two, after befriending one of the dorkiest members of the Stranger Things crew, he was a sensitive, sweet mentor and Dustin was a budding ladies' man.


David and Patrick, Schitt's Creek

David's transformation from a snobby narcissist to one half of a sweet, loving couple was gradual but very natural at the same time.


Issa and Molly, Insecure

There's nothing like a BFF who will call you on your B.S. — and comfort you even when you both know you're making some bad decisions. Issa and Molly on Insecure have been in both positions, and their bond is as strong as ever.


Letty and Javier, Good Behavior

Name a couple sexier than the two con artists from TNT's Good Behavior. We'll wait.


Titus and Kimmy, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Every star needs someone to appreciate him, and every naive, optimistic newcomer to New York City needs someone to show her the ropes. In this regard, Titus Andromedon and Kimmy Schmidt are perfect BFFs.


Poussey and Taystee, Orange Is the New Black

Poussey and BFF Taystee, would go to the ends of the earth for each other. Enough said.

Leave your favorite under-appreciated couple in the comments. We want to hear from you.
