Hispania, la Leyenda
Hispania, la Leyenda
Hispania, la Leyenda
3 Staffeln2010Beendet
Abenteuer, Action, Geschichte
In 150BC Rome controls half of Hispania. Praetor Galba leads a legion charged with defending the Roman-occupied territory as they wait for war with Carthage for the conquest of the rest of the peninsula. The story starts with two lovers separated on their wedding day by the ambition of the Roman Empire, in which the power of the few rule the lives of the many.
In 150BC Rome controls half of Hispania. Praetor Galba leads a legion charged with defending the Roman-occupied territory as they wait for war with Carthage for the conquest of the rest of the peninsula. The story starts with two lovers separated on their wedding day by the ambition of the Roman Empire, in which the power of the few rule the lives of the many.
Serie hinzugefügt von 2049
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