Monkey Dust
Monkey Dust
Monkey Dust
3 Staffeln2003Beendet
Horror, Komödie, Animation
A cutting edge comedy animation painting a fabulously warped satirical view of Britain ... Welcome to your very own urban nightmare - a nocturnal world populated by the sad, the lonely and the emotionally crippled on the wrong side of sunlight. Its' satirical targets range across the whole spectrum of Cruel Britannia from dysfunctional families to heartless government departments.
A cutting edge comedy animation painting a fabulously warped satirical view of Britain ... Welcome to your very own urban nightmare - a nocturnal world populated by the sad, the lonely and the emotionally crippled on the wrong side of sunlight. Its' satirical targets range across the whole spectrum of Cruel Britannia from dysfunctional families to heartless government departments.
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