Oh! Super Milk-Chan
Oh! Super Milk-Chan
Oh! Super Milk-Chan
3 Staffeln1998Beendet
Science Fiction, Komödie, Animation, Abenteuer, Action
OH! Super Milk Chan is an anime comedy about a foul-mouthed girl named Milk P. Chan, who is entrusted by the President of Everything to defend the world, even though she can do very little besides make popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely."
OH! Super Milk Chan is an anime comedy about a foul-mouthed girl named Milk P. Chan, who is entrusted by the President of Everything to defend the world, even though she can do very little besides make popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely."
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