Police Academy: The Animated Series
Police Academy: The Animated Series
Police Academy: The Animated Series
2 seasons1988Ended
Family, Crime, Comedy, Animation
Based on the notoriously popular Police Academy movies, this show chronologically takes place between the fourth and fifth film. Twelve characters are re-created for this animated version, including a team of Academy graduates led by Carey Mahoney, a likeable rogue bachelor boy, who unconsciously -- and consistently -- does his best to make life miserable for Captain Harris and his knucklehead assistant Sgt. Proctor. Mahoney's friends include the aptly named Moses Hightower, walking sound effects machine Larvell Jones, trigger-happy Eugene Tackleberry, sweet & timid Laverne Hooks, tough-as-nails Debbie Callahan, larger-than-life House, and the bread-&-butter duo of reformed gang member Zed and his best buddy, Sweetchuck. Eric Lassard is the highly-respected (albeit dreamy) Commandant, and Academy newcomer The Professor is also on hand, stocking our crime-fighting heroes with an endless supply of wacky gadgets as they combat a motley crew of recurring villains such as Num
Based on the notoriously popular Police Academy movies, this show chronologically takes place between the fourth and fifth film. Twelve characters are re-created for this animated version, including a team of Academy graduates led by Carey Mahoney, a likeable rogue bachelor boy, who unconsciously -- and consistently -- does his best to make life miserable for Captain Harris and his knucklehead assistant Sgt. Proctor. Mahoney's friends include the aptly named Moses Hightower, walking sound effects machine Larvell Jones, trigger-happy Eugene Tackleberry, sweet & timid Laverne Hooks, tough-as-nails Debbie Callahan, larger-than-life House, and the bread-&-butter duo of reformed gang member Zed and his best buddy, Sweetchuck. Eric Lassard is the highly-respected (albeit dreamy) Commandant, and Academy newcomer The Professor is also on hand, stocking our crime-fighting heroes with an endless supply of wacky gadgets as they combat a motley crew of recurring villains such as Num