Smiling Friends
Smiling Friends
Smiling Friends
2 Staffeln2020Weiter
Komödie, Animation
Smiling Friends Inc. is a small company whose main purpose is to bring happiness to its clients. The series follows the day-to-day lives and misadventures of its representatives, the lazy, cynical Charlie, and the cheerful, optimistic Pim, as they try to cheer up and comfort the troubled people who call their company's hotline and help them out with their problems.
Smiling Friends Inc. is a small company whose main purpose is to bring happiness to its clients. The series follows the day-to-day lives and misadventures of its representatives, the lazy, cynical Charlie, and the cheerful, optimistic Pim, as they try to cheer up and comfort the troubled people who call their company's hotline and help them out with their problems.
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