Aaron Stone
Aaron Stone
Aaron Stone
2 seasons2009Ended
Science Fiction, Family, Children, Adventure, Action
"Aaron Stone" is a new Action Adventure series scheduled to air in February 2009 when Disney launches their new TV network Disney XD. This original live-action series revolves around a 21 year-old who becomes a real life version of an online game crime fighter. The series stars include Kelly Blatz as crime fighter "Aaron Stone", David Lambert as "Jason Landers", J.P. Manoux as "Stan", Tania Gunadi as "Emma" and Italia Ricci as "Chase".
"Aaron Stone" is a new Action Adventure series scheduled to air in February 2009 when Disney launches their new TV network Disney XD. This original live-action series revolves around a 21 year-old who becomes a real life version of an online game crime fighter. The series stars include Kelly Blatz as crime fighter "Aaron Stone", David Lambert as "Jason Landers", J.P. Manoux as "Stan", Tania Gunadi as "Emma" and Italia Ricci as "Chase".
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