The Rag Trade
The Rag Trade
The Rag Trade
4 Staffeln1961Beendet
Life in the Fenner Fashion's workshop is constantly disrupted by wildcat industrial action as firebrand shop steward Paddy takes on penny-pinching proprieter Harold Fenner over anything and everything. It seems like every day Paddy's blowing her whistle and yelling "Everybody out!" Poor foreman Reg is stuck in the middle of the battle, just trying to keep everyone happy.
Life in the Fenner Fashion's workshop is constantly disrupted by wildcat industrial action as firebrand shop steward Paddy takes on penny-pinching proprieter Harold Fenner over anything and everything. It seems like every day Paddy's blowing her whistle and yelling "Everybody out!" Poor foreman Reg is stuck in the middle of the battle, just trying to keep everyone happy.
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