Finn'sk fjernsyn
Finn'sk fjernsyn
Finn'sk fjernsyn
2 Staffeln1999Beendet
Familie, Komödie
How can women find themselves going to the toilet together in pairs - and why can one not imagine two dock workers peeing on a cross? Finn Nørbygaard has the answer. And he also manages to throw himself into a gender reassignment operation that has a somewhat surprising side effect. Finn also appears on the slap line as a brave Viking who is going on a trip to England - with the prospect of sailing on the left side and additions for rape at the weekend. He is a lyre cashier with a sense of business, and so he gives it as an equipped heavy rocker and sensitive spaceship captain who has problems in the marriage.
How can women find themselves going to the toilet together in pairs - and why can one not imagine two dock workers peeing on a cross? Finn Nørbygaard has the answer. And he also manages to throw himself into a gender reassignment operation that has a somewhat surprising side effect. Finn also appears on the slap line as a brave Viking who is going on a trip to England - with the prospect of sailing on the left side and additions for rape at the weekend. He is a lyre cashier with a sense of business, and so he gives it as an equipped heavy rocker and sensitive spaceship captain who has problems in the marriage.
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