Lazy Lucy
Lazy Lucy
Lazy Lucy
1 stagioneConclusa
Lazy Lucy follows eight year old Lucy, who has to do all the things any normal child her age does: tidy her room, help in the kitchen and the garden, learn to play many challenges for the little girl who, each and every time, applies her own view on life: why tire yourself out doing something, when you can find a lazier way to do it? With her little brother Paul and her friends Jasmine and Tom, Lucy doubles her energy to work out original and amusing solutions. She never gives up and proves that she has more than one trick up her sleeve!
Lazy Lucy follows eight year old Lucy, who has to do all the things any normal child her age does: tidy her room, help in the kitchen and the garden, learn to play many challenges for the little girl who, each and every time, applies her own view on life: why tire yourself out doing something, when you can find a lazier way to do it? With her little brother Paul and her friends Jasmine and Tom, Lucy doubles her energy to work out original and amusing solutions. She never gives up and proves that she has more than one trick up her sleeve!
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