The Bite
The Bite
The Bite
1 season2021Ended
Horror, Drama, Comedy
The series follows the lives of two neighbors, Rachel and Lily, as they embark on unprecedented times when a deadly new strain of a virus arrives. Navigating the new normal in New York City, Rachel works from home juggling her many telemedicine clients and a shaky marriage to her husband Dr. Zach, who has a prestigious job at the CDC miles away. Meanwhile, Lily is upstairs trying to convince her Wall Street clientele that her very specific skillset is still just as valuable through a video screen as it was in person.
The series follows the lives of two neighbors, Rachel and Lily, as they embark on unprecedented times when a deadly new strain of a virus arrives. Navigating the new normal in New York City, Rachel works from home juggling her many telemedicine clients and a shaky marriage to her husband Dr. Zach, who has a prestigious job at the CDC miles away. Meanwhile, Lily is upstairs trying to convince her Wall Street clientele that her very specific skillset is still just as valuable through a video screen as it was in person.
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